Sustainability Management

From Start to Sustainability

Oakwell’s sustainability management solutions empower healthcare systems to achieve financial success by optimizing infrastructure, rationalizing real estate assets, and implementing industry-leading sustainable practices that eliminate unnecessary spending within care patient delivery.

Achieving Long-Term Success

We support existing teams but can also build out the overall sustainability, data management, and reporting functions for your health system.

The Oakwell process begins with identifying areas where our expertise and your unique strengths can create success immediately and over an extended period. We clarify achievable financial and sustainability goals and then create comprehensive roadmaps and tracking mechanisms for long-term success that front-load the near-term value-creating wins.

After identifying the financial savings and associated environmental impact reductions, we stay with you and implement your customized roadmap as your partner. We also offer the unique benefit of providing financing to your health system to speed the time to cost reductions and deliver improvements to your bottom line.

As your partner, we can drive strategies in each of these key areas:
















Sustainable Procurement

Sustainable Procurement


Unlock Profitability and True Sustainability

True sustainability must be financially focused, resource efficient, and healthcare specific.

Oakwell’s sustainability management solutions create organizational functions to act as stewards of resources within your health system. We will help eliminate the financial waste that creeps into large facilities over time.

By reducing your energy consumption, eliminating unnecessary waste, integrating sustainable purchasing practices, and assessing how to utilize your real estate more efficiently, we increase profitability and financial value while reducing carbon emissions and enhancing your reputation.

Reduce Operating Costs

We help you save money through infrastructure upgrades, real estate optimization, and a reduction in your existing spend on utilities and other infrastructure costs.

Enhance Patient Care

A healthier balance sheet and a healthier healing environment create a more attractive workplace for staff recruitment and retention and an improved experience for patients.

Boost Community Engagement

When you demonstrate your commitment to community benefit balanced with financial and environmental stewardship, you open the door for stronger stakeholder relationships.

Embrace a Sustainable Future With Oakwell

Profitable Sustainable Healthcare Solutions

Financial pressures on the healthcare system are building.

Compounding fiscal strains pose uphill challenges, as more than half of U.S. hospitals are expected to report losses and inflationary energy prices remain a real risk in our increasingly volatile world. Sustainability solutions with attractive ROIs in patient care delivery require experts in engineering, finance, real estate, sustainability, technology, and hospital operations to work cohesively.
Oakwell offers sustainability management expertise in these areas to help your health system develop solutions that improve the bottom line and prioritize your operational needs.
Partner with Oakwell to realize a future of profitable healthcare solutions that prioritize financial success and environmental responsibility.
